Class 9th Textbooks All Subjects PDF Punjab Board

If you’re searching for Class 9th textbooks, you have come to the right place. Here, you will find all the books you need, completely free in pdf. Everything on this website is provided to help you Class 9th Textbooks, All Subjects PDF, Punjab Board prepare for your exams. You can download the material and study for your Class 9 exams. We offer helpful resources like subject notes, pairing schemes, and online multiple-choice question tests, all available for download. Below is the list of Class 9 textbooks, featuring the latest books following the new syllabus. You can easily download them by accessing them through Google Drive.

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History of Punjab Textbooks

In Pakistan, Punjab textbooks on history are an integral part of the education system, offering students a comprehensive understanding of the region’s rich historical heritage. Here’s an overview of the history class 9th textbooks All Subjects PDF Punjab Board used in Punjab, Pakistan.

Curriculum Coverage:

Punjab history textbooks cover a wide range of topics spanning ancient civilizations, medieval dynasties, colonial rule, the struggle for independence, and post-independence developments. The curriculum aims to provide students with a deep understanding of the region’s historical evolution.

Ancient Civilizations:

Students can learn about old cities and countries that were here a long time ago, like the Indus Valley Civilizations. They find out about how people lived, what they did for work, and how they made things.

Medieval Period:

In the books, students learn about the old times in Punjab, like during the Middle Ages. They read about different groups that ruled, like the Ghaznavids, Delhi Sultanate, and Mughals. They also learn about how Islam spread and how Sikhism started.

Colonial Era:

In Punjab’s old times when the British were in charge, students study how it affected Punjab. They look at how the British used Punjab’s resources, changed society, and influenced culture. They also learn about people who fought against the British.

Independence Struggle:

The textbooks cover the role of Punjab in the struggle for independence from British rule.A Students learn about key events such as the Khilafat Movement, the All-India Muslim League’s demand for Pakistan, and the Partition of India in 1947.


Post-independence developments, including the formation of Pakistan and the challenges face by the newly created nation, are also discuss. Students explore topics such as the Kashmir conflict, the role of Punjab in national politics, and socio-economic issues affecting the region.

Cultural Heritage:

Punjab textbooks highlight the region’s rich cultural heritage, including its languages, literature, art, music, and traditions. Students learn about prominent Punjabi poets, writers, artists, and cultural icons who have contributed to the cultural identity of the region.


Concepts of historiography and historical interpretation are introduce to students, enabling them to critically analyze historical sources and narratives. They learn how historians construct interpretations of the past based on evidence and perspective.

Critical Thinking:

Punjab history textbooks encourage critical thinking skills by prompting students to analyze historical events, evaluate different perspectives, and draw conclusions based on evidence. They are encourage to question assumptions, challenge biases, and develop their own inform opinions.

Relevance to Present:

The study of history is link to contemporary issues and challenges facing society, helping students understand the relevance of past events to current affairs and national identity.


What historical periods do Punjab textbooks cover?

Punjab textbooks cover a wide range of historical periods, including ancient civilizations, medieval dynasties, colonial rule, the struggle for independence, and post-independence developments.

What medieval dynasties are cover in Punjab history textbooks?

The textbooks delve into the history of medieval dynasties that ruled Punjab, including the Ghaznavids, Delhi Sultanate, Mughals, and Sikh Empire. Students study their socio-political dynamics and cultural contributions.

How does Punjab history textbooks address colonial rule?

Punjab history textbooks examine the impact of British colonialism on the region, discussing economic exploitation, social changes, and the resistance movements against British rule.

What topics related to the struggle for independence are discuss in Punjab textbooks?

Students learn about Punjab’s role in the struggle for independence from British rule, including the Khilafat Movement, the All-India Muslim League’s demand for Pakistan, and the Partition of India in 1947.

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