Computer Class 9th Important Short & Long Questions

In the 9th class computer science educational program, understudies dig into essential subjects in figuring, enveloping both hypothetical ideas and commonsense applications. They investigate the fundamental parts of a PC framework, including the computer chip, memory, input/yield gadgets, and capacity units. Furthermore, they find Computer Class 9th Important Short & Long Questions out about the verifiable advancement of PCs and study huge achievements and key figures in registering history.

Short Questions

Ch # 1 (Short)

Problem Analysis, Algorithm, Requirements for a Flowchart, Problem Solving and Name of Five Problem Solving Steps, Strategies of defining a Problem, Problem, Flowchart, Act it out strategy, Candid solution, Flowchart Symbols

Long Questions

Problem Solving & Steps, Flowchart & Purpose of Symbols, Flowchart to find LCM of Two Numbers, Factorial, Factors, Leap Year

Ch # 2 (Short)

Decimal Number System, Binary Number System, Volatile/Non-Volatile Memory, RAM, ASCII Code, Storage Devices, Truth Values, Logical Operators, Boolean Algebra, Temporary & Parmanent Storage

Ch # 3 (Short)

Communication Channel, Network & Benefits, File Sharing, Server. Data Communication, Components od Communication System, Sender, Reciever, FTP, HTTP, IP

Long Questions

TCP/IP & Layers, IP Address & Types, Types of Connection

Ch # 4 (Short)

Software Piracy & Types, Softlifting, Phishing, Patemt, Piracy, Privacy, Identity Theft, Relation b/w password & Cryptographic Keys, Data Secyrity Issues, Copyright Law

Long Questions

Types of Software Piracy, Characteristoce of Good Password, Types of Cybercrime, Copyright Law with examples

Ch # 5 (Short)

HTML & Sections, Webpage Creation, Hypertext, Markup Language, Headings in HTML, Types of List, Hyperlink, Anchor, HTML Tags

How To Prepare Exams Of 9th Class Computer Science

Understand the Syllabus:

Begin by thoroughly understanding the syllabus provided by your school or educational board. Identify the topics and chapters that you need to cover for the exam.

Review Class Notes and Textbooks:

Go through your class notes, textbooks, and any supplementary materials provided by your teacher. Pay close attention to key concepts, definitions, and examples covered in each chapter.

Practice with Past Papers:

Obtain past exam papers or sample papers and practice solving them under timed conditions. This will help you familiarize yourself with the exam format, question types, and time management.

Create a Study Schedule:

Plan a study schedule that allocates sufficient time for each topic or chapter. Break down your study sessions into manageable chunks and ensure you cover all the material before the exam date.

Use Visual Aids and Diagrams:

Visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and tables can help you better understand complex concepts and remember information more effectively. Create visual summaries of key topics to aid in revision.

Engage in Active Learning:

Instead of passively reading through the material, engage in active learning techniques such as summarizing chapters in your own words, teaching concepts to a friend or family member, or creating flashcards for important terms and definitions.

Seek Clarification:

If you come across any concepts or topics that you find challenging, don’t hesitate to seek clarification from your teacher or classmates. Asking questions and seeking help when needed can improve your understanding and retention of the material.

Use Online Resources:

Take advantage of online resources such as educational websites, tutorials, and videos to supplement your learning. There are many online platforms that offer explanations, practice quizzes, and interactive activities related to 9th class computer science topics.

Review Regularly:

Don’t leave your revision until the last minute. Review the material regularly leading up to the exam to reinforce your understanding and ensure that you retain the information long-term.

Stay Calm and Confident:

On the day of the exam, stay calm and confident in your preparation. Trust in the effort you’ve put into studying and approach the exam with a positive mindset. Remember to read each question carefully and manage your time effectively during the exam.


Taking everything into account, the excursion through Computer Class 9th Important Short & Long Questions has been both illuminating and engaging. From learning the fundamentals of programming dialects to investigating the complexities of calculations and information structures, every illustration has added to a more profound comprehension of the computerized world around us. Through pragmatic activities and tasks, I’ve leveled up my critical thinking abilities and acquired trust in handling complex computational difficulties. Past the study hall, the utilizations of software engineering stretch out far into our day to day routines, from the product we use to the innovation molding our future. In this data provide Computer Class 9th Important Short & Long Questions in details. This course has furnished me with significant specialized information as well as imparted in me a feeling of interest and versatility fundamental for exploring the steadily developing area of innovation.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

What is computer science?

CS is the investigation of PCs and computational frameworks. It includes understanding how PCs work, planning calculations to tackle issues, and composing projects to execute those calculations.

Why is computer science important?

Computer is fundamental in the present advanced age since it supports numerous parts of current life. It empowers us to foster programming, break down information, make man-made consciousness, improve online protection, and significantly more.

What topics will be covered in the 9th-grade computer science course?

The 9th-grade computer science course will cover fundamental concepts such as programming basics, algorithms, data types, hardware components, software applications, and computer ethics.

Do I need prior programming experience to take this course?

No prior programming experience is required. This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of computer science, including programming concepts, from the ground up.

What programming languages will be taught in the course?

The course may cover one or more programming languages commonly used in introductory computer science courses, such as Python, Java, or Scratch. The specific language(s) taught may vary depending on the curriculum.

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